At the root of medicine, and of possible solutions to the ailments that have always afflicted mankind, is medical research - men and women who study and experiment to find solutions to our many issues.

One of the main goals of the Ginevra Caltagirone Foundation is to fund and support research in the medical and pharmaceutical fields through various projects including training and awareness for health care professionals, as well as by opening and updating research centers, archives, and libraries specializing in the collection of medical/scientific documentation. We are involved in cooperative efforts with associations, public entities, institutions, and universities, in addition to the construction of new facilities allowing underprivileged children to study, play, receive medical treatment, or in any case, live under better conditions.

For this reason, the Ginevra Caltagirone Foundation has established various relationships and cooperative efforts with professionals specializing in scientific/medical research. We allocate a portion of our resources to supporting and funding research grants and selection processes in the area of pediatrics and neonatology.

The Ginevra Caltagirone Foundation is unique in that it is actively involved in scientific research. Firmly believing in this mission, as also included in the charter, the organization participates directly in developing research grants and selection processes.