The research project continues to thanks the financial contribution given by Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone Onlus

The research project continues to thanks the financial contribution given by Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone Onlus

The Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone Onlus once again supports the activity research for the year 2013-2014, promoted by the Fondazione Veronesi in the field of pediatric oncology.

The Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone's commitment is renewed for the year 2013-2014, and supports the research survey carried by Fondazione Veronesi in the pediatric oncology field.

This new sponsorship of Fondazione Caltagirone wants to be the continuation of the previous research grant funded in 2012-2013 year and allows the study research of Dr. Riccardo Masetti and his working team.


The project title is "The Hedgehog's signaling pathway as a new therapeutic target in acutes pediatrics myeloid leukemias with a normal karyotype" and will be carried on the S. Orsola - Malpighi Bologna.